September 4 – 6, 2022: Images of Our First Days Aboard

I’m posting a few images from the day we boarded the USCGC Healy (WAGB 20) as well as our departure and as we got underway. It’s fascinating to watch the ship’s operations, ranging from work on the bridge to moving equipment onto and around the ship. The operations are precise and well executed. The food is abundant and excellent.

We’ve in open seas since leaving Dutch Harbor. We will pass through the Bering Strait and past Little Diomede (Alaska) and Big Diomede (Siberia) which are approximately two miles apart and are also separated by the International Date Line.

Part of the fishing fleet at Dutch Harbor

Bald Eagle Protecting Nest and Young Birds, across from our mooring.

One of the two tugs that helped the ship make a turn as we pulled away from the dock.

Stern of the Healy, from where most of the scientific equipment is deployed.

View of the Bridge and the crew as we departed from Dutch Harbor.